Introducing Our Blog Series: Landscaping for Your Home’s Architectural Style

Portland is known for its eclectic neighborhoods of Craftsman Bungalows, Tudors, Mid-Century Modern Ranches, Traditional Cape Cods, and Modern architectural styles to name a few. The right landscaping will add a burst of curb appeal that compliments your home’s architecture and makes your home look fantastic.

Harmony Design Northwest - Landscape Design & Consulting -

Shade Garden Secrets Revealed!

Here in the Portland and the Pacific Northwest, our normally temperate summers are becoming hotter and dryer, sparking not just wildfires but a growing need for more cooling shade in the urban landscape. Shade gardening is an art form all its own, but here’s few basic rules to help you create your own shady garden. For help in selecting small trees, see the Bonus Feature, “Top Ten Small Trees”.